Project 001
Vectorworks 2020 Launch
Vectorworks is state-of-the-art CAD/BIM software for the architecture, landscape, entertainment, and interior design industries. With every new release of Vectorworks comes custom-tailored hero imagery to accompany each industry-specific version of the software. In the 2020 launch design sprint, I was tasked with ideating design treatments that conveyed the slogan, "Clearly Insightful. Simply Powerful."
The final solution was implemented in the form of visually analyzing the imagery in relation to new software features. The infographic stylization of the data panes was intended to emphasize the power and "big data" capabilities of the latest software version.

Vectorworks 2020 Launch
Data Visualization, 3D Rendering, Visual Design

Vectorworks 2020 Launch
Apparel Vector Design

Project 002
Vectorworks Integrated Navigation
My final project at Vectorworks was to concept and prototype the menu navigation for their new combined user-hub and SSO account interface. The iconography and copy were designed in conjunction with one another to optimize how users recognize and respond to each individual hub. In addition, the design was modified for easy translation on both desktop and mobile applications.
The objective was to define an intuitive and seamless UI that both complimented their current aesthetic, as well as offer a revitalized and more user-friendly approach. Enabling users to choose site language/country, add a profile pic, or change their current employer, all within the account drop-down offered a more intimate and personalized experience.

Vectorworks Integrated Navigation
User Interface Design

Project 003
Design Summit 2020 Postcard
Design Summit is an annual training conference open to Vectorworks users around the world. It brings together leaders from architecture, landscape and entertainment industries to learn, network and celebrate with fellow users of all levels. My role in the design summit sprint was to work on web and print promotional collateral. The design of these materials needed to follow the aesthetic of the events landing page, so some elements from the microsite were translated into print format.

Design Summit 2020 Postcard
Print Collateral Design
Project 004
CoffeeBreak™ − A Mental Escape
For the first time, Vectorworks released a promotional holiday game in addition to their annual holiday card. The card, both print, digital, and the game were intended to celebrate the creativity of their users across the globe. My role was to design and animate the main character! The frogger-esque arcade game was originally dubbed "CoffeeBreak", by which, the coffee hero was born. In addition, I also participated in QA discussions and testing with the outsourced Unity developer.

CoffeeBreak™ − A Mental Escape
Game Design, Character Design, Animation

Project 001
Vectorworks 2020 Launch T-Shirt
In addition to the signature imagery, the 2020 launch design sprint included the development and production of print collateral, social ads, a landing page, and other various promotional materials. My role was to brainstorm and execute a singular design for a t-shirt to commemorate the launch of Vectorworks 2020.
It needed to maintain the brand color palette, visually illustrate the launch slogan, and tie into the overall aesthetic of the other materials. The final deliverable consisted of three options that best suited the campaign. After one had been selected by the project stakeholders, I was tasked with facilitating production so it could be distributed globally.