K16 Solutions Video Series
K16 Scaffold Solutions
K16 Solutions offers a fully integrated content migration service that allows users to move academic course content from one LMS platform to another in real-time. ​In an effort to help their audience visualize and better understand how their platform works, K16 wanted to accompany each of their services with a cohesive video series.
Each video functioned differently, ranging from a full-fledged platform demo to a brief explainer, but regardless of the content, each maintained a consistent look and feel that paired well with the surrounding visuals on their respective page on the K16 solutions website.

K16 Scaffold Solutions
Art Direction, Narrative Strategy, Animation, Illustration
K16 Solutions Video Series
K16 Scaffold Archiving
With K16s 2021 launch of Scaffold Archiving, there was a simultaneous need to release a brief explainer video that highlighted key functionality as well as offer an overview of platform capabilities and money-saving incentives for educators to intuitively transfer and update course content in a timely manner. ​The video is part of a series, so the animation style was already established, but new vector illustrations needed to be created, as well as a cohesive narrative needed to be written in conjunction with voice-over.

K16 Scaffold Archiving
Art Direction, Storyboarding, Narrative Strategy, Animation

K16 Solutions Video Series
K16 Scaffold Designer
With K16s 2020 launch of Scaffold Designer, there was a simultaneous need to release a demo video that highlighted key functionality as well as promote their brand. This video was intended to offer a brief overview of platform capabilities and emphasize the intuitiveness for educators to develop and migrate online learning courses. ​

K16 Scaffold Designer
Art Direction, Storyboarding, Narrative Strategy, Animation